Cold-Pressed Juices & Cleanses | Perfectly Pressed

Juice Cleanses

Are you ready to reboot your system and indulge in a
cleanse of the body and mind?

Juice Cleanses

Are you ready to reboot your system and
indulge in a cleanse of the body and mind?
This program is not designed for weight loss. However, the weight loss could be a
significant side effect. This program is designed to infuse your body with vitamins
and cleanse your body while resting your digestive tract.

Select Your Preferred Cleanse Package

1 Day Cleanse
BHD 16.000

| 10 Juices, 2 Shots and 2 Nutmilks

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5 Days Cleanse
BHD 75.000

| 50 Juices, 10 Shots and 10 Nutmilks

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3 Days Cleanse
BHD 45.000

| 30 Juices, 6 Shots and 6 Nutmilks

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What’s included in the
cleanse package

Immunity Kick №1


Orange, Lemon, Ginger, Fresh Turmeric, Coconut Water, Cardamom, Pepper

Description and benefits

Turmeric is one of the most powerful Bio active compounds with impressive medicinal qualities. In addition it is well known to have anti inflammatory effects when taken over time! We combined it with ginger to supercharge your immune system and vitamin c to give your body the right elements to ward off disease and inflammation and to give you that inner glow.

Nutrition facts

Calories : 19
Protein : 0.54g
Carbohydrate : 5g
Fat : 0g

Sunrise Cleanse №2


Carrot, Orange, Apple, Lemon, Ginger, Fresh Turmeric, Cayenne Pepper

Description and benefits

This is drink is literally sunshine in a bottle, the vitamin C surge with balancing carrot and the cayenne heat mixed with natures anti biotic …turmeric are a sure way to wake up beautifully and awaken your system while refreshing and highly detoxing, this is a perfect start to your day. Fresh light detoxifying and highly addictive.

Nutrition facts

Calories : 22
Protein : 2g
Carbohydrate : 7.2g
Fat : 0g

Green Goddess № 3 & 4


Kale, Apple, Lime, Pear, Parsley, Coconut Water

Description and benefits

This is just a delicious and surprising burst of flavors to confuse and infuse your taste buds with intense greens with a tinge of sweetness from the pear and fennel, and a fresh zingy flavor from the lime all over a fresh burst of flavor to quench your cravings and fulfill your nutritional needs.

Nutrition facts

Calories : 16
Protein : 0g
Carbohydrate : 7.6g
Fat : 0g

Golden Milk

Pre-workout or anytime of day


Almond Milk, Fresh Turmeric, Cardamom, Vanilla, Dates

Description and benefits

The most nutritious way to start the day. This turmeric infused milk sets the clock back on your skin and boosts your immune system. Perfectly paired in a cleanse.

Nutrition facts

Calories : 245
Protein : 4.9g
Carbohydrate : 35g
Fat : 9.5g

Pineapple Perfection №5


Pineapple, Cucumber, Apple, Mint

Description and benefits

This juice our perfectly pressed family’s favorite! It is sweet, light and refreshing not to mention the unbelievable benefits that pineapples provide like helps with irregular bowel movements, high in vitamin C, keeps your skin healthy and helps with weight loss and the bromaline in pineapple helps aid your immune system! And that’s just one ingredient!

Nutrition facts

Calories : 34
Protein : 0.5g
Carbohydrate : 9g
Fat : 0g

Collagen Boost №6


Collagen (Vegan), Pomegranate, Orange

Description and benefits

This is one of our favorite inner beauty blends because it supports so many functions! Pomegranate is a power house on its own and packs a strong dose of vitamin c in addition to the vegan collagen, this shot taken consistently can help in reducing Cellulite, aids in digestion, helps improve skin and muscle function and collagen is the main supplement that helps support your joints, in addition it also boasts anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties. A complete inner beauty regimine.

Nutrition facts

Calories : 50
Protein : 0g
Carbohydrate : 13.6g
Fat : 0g

Green Glow №7


Kale, Apple, Lime, Pear, Parsley, Coconut Water

Description and benefits

This is just a delicious and surprising burst of flavors to confuse and infuse your taste buds with intense greens with a tinge of sweetness from the pear and fennel, and a fresh zingy flavor from the lime all over a fresh burst of flavor to quench your cravings and fulfill your nutritional needs.

Nutrition facts

Calories : 62
Fat :  0.11g
Carbohydrate : 18.4g
Calcium : 84g
Iron : 0.34mg

Black Lime-aide №8


Lime, Dates, Activated Charcoal, Spring Water

Description and benefits

Quench your taste buds and detox your body with this diabolical lime juice! A taste of Bahrain! This is actually based on my grandmother’s recipe.. the orange blossom and charcoal combination helps settle a unsettled stomach and also has a beautifully calming effect when served cold. A perfect juice to have after over indulging your system and has a wonderful calming and cleansing effect on your digestive system. You will thank us!

Nutrition facts

Calories : 140
Protein : 1.08g
Carbohydrate : 33.75g
Fat : 0g

Cleanse Guide

To gain the full benefit of a cleanse, it is a good idea to refrain from
consuming alcohol, coffee, dairy, red meat, sugar, white flour, and Bread.
Increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains
is a great way to ease into your plan.

While Cleansing

Starting every day with a warm glass of water with either a slice of lemon, fresh ginger, or a tablespoon of cider vinegar or a cup of oolong tea is a great way to offset your system in the morning..

Drink your juices every two to three hours. Follow the number on top of each bottle for the order in which you should drink each juice. Please drink all of your juices!

After your first drink, it is essential that at this point, you start listening to your body. Reach out if you have any questions!

The more water you drink, the better the cleansing effect. You can drink water at any time of the day.

Remember to leave a two-hour gap between your last drink of the day and your bedtime (you can drink water and herbal teas at any time).

We highly recommend having vegetable broth each night 45 minutes before drinking the Black Lime-aide.

We highly recommend having vegetable broth each night 45 minutes before drinking the Black Lime-aide.

We highly recommend having vegetable broth each night 45 minutes before drinking the Black Lime-aide.

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